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Wisdom Teeth

At Bay of Isles Dental Clinic, when an impacted tooth is causing issues and requires extraction, we may also recommend extracting its opposing tooth. This approach is essential because teeth tend to keep shifting until they encounter an obstacle. If only one tooth is extracted without addressing its opposing tooth, the opposing tooth may continue to move (supraerupt) until it meets the area of the extracted tooth, leading to potential problems and complications. By considering the overall dental alignment and ensuring both impacted and opposing teeth are appropriately managed, we aim to achieve optimal oral health and prevent any future issues. Our skilled team will thoroughly assess your specific situation and provide you with the best treatment plan to maintain the health and alignment of your teeth.

At Bay of Isles Dental Clinic, it is sometimes necessary to remove all four wisdom teeth to prevent potential issues and complications. When one wisdom tooth supraerupts, it increases its surface area, leading to food and bacteria accumulation around the tooth. To avoid having to undergo the extraction procedure and healing process twice, we may recommend extracting both the impacted tooth and its opposing tooth simultaneously. The complexity of the extraction procedure determines whether it can be done at our clinic or in a hospital. Your dentist will discuss the available options with you, including the potential complications associated with the procedure.

Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

There are several situations where wisdom teeth need to be removed:

When an impacted wisdom tooth starts pushing through the gums, it can lead to an infection around the top of the tooth, causing pain, swelling, and jaw stiffness.

Wisdom teeth may push nearby teeth out of their correct position, but they are not believed to be associated with crowding of the lower front teeth.


Fluid-filled sacks called cysts can form around impacted wisdom teeth, potentially displacing the tooth and causing damage to surrounding teeth and gums.

Damage to nearby molars:

An impacted wisdom tooth may exert pressure on the molars next to it, resulting in serious damage to both teeth.

Wisdom teeth typically erupt between the ages of 18 to 24 years, but they often become impacted due to a lack of space. Even if space is available, wisdom teeth may not erupt into the correct position. The reasons for this lack of space include our soft diets that do not cause wear on our other teeth and the need to preserve our other teeth that have already erupted correctly. In many cases, the lower jaw has not grown enough to accommodate the wisdom teeth. When you visit Bay of Isles Dental Clinic, we will thoroughly evaluate your situation and provide you with personalized advice and recommendations regarding your wisdom teeth. Your well-being is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring your dental health and comfort throughout the process.

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