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Root Canal Therapy

At Bay of Isles Dental Clinic, we offer root canal treatments to address cases where the internal pulp of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected. This condition can lead to intense pain and swelling around the affected tooth, as the tooth’s nerve resides within the root canal inside the tooth. Our skilled team is experienced in performing root canal procedures to alleviate pain, treat the infection, and restore the health of your tooth. If you experience any symptoms of root canal issues, we encourage you to seek our expert care to ensure timely and effective treatment. Your dental well-being is our priority, and we are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive and compassionate care for all your dental needs.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

At Bay of Isles Dental Clinic, we perform root canal therapy to address infections or inflammation in the internal pulp (nerve) of a tooth. This condition can arise due to factors like tooth decay, cracks, chips, excessive fillings, or dental trauma, allowing bacteria to penetrate the pulp and cause infection. To save the tooth and eliminate the infection, our skilled team offers endodontic treatment, commonly known as root canal therapy.

Signs You May Require Root Canal Therapy:

If you experience any of the following symptoms, we recommend scheduling an appointment with Bay of Isles Dental Clinic promptly:

  • Severe toothache
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks
  • Change in tooth color
  • Inflammation of the gums surrounding the painful tooth
  • Recurring sore or ulcer on the gum

Root Canal Treatment Process:

Root canal therapy is typically conducted over two appointments at Bay of Isles Dental Clinic. During the first appointment, we begin by taking an X-ray to assess the severity of the case and the unique shape of the root canal. Next, a rubber dam is placed over the affected tooth to isolate it from saliva and bacteria. Your dentist then creates a small opening in the tooth to access the infected pulp. The damaged pulp, including the nerve and infecting bacteria, is carefully removed through this opening. Since the nerve is no longer functional, this process should not cause pain.

Water and an antibacterial flush are used to ensure the tooth’s interior is free from any traces of bacteria. After thorough cleaning, the root canal and the small opening are sealed with a temporary filling.

During the second appointment, a permanent sealing paste is used to fill the root canal and access hole, and a dental filling is placed. In cases where a significant amount of pulp has been removed, a dental crown may be necessary. A dental crown is a tooth-colored cap that provides added strength and protection to the damaged tooth.

At Bay of Isles Dental Clinic, our aim is to provide you with effective and comfortable root canal therapy, preserving your natural tooth and ensuring your dental health. If you experience any symptoms or suspect the need for root canal treatment, do not hesitate to contact our clinic and arrange an appointment. We are here to address your concerns and provide you with the highest level of dental care.

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Monday              8:00am – 5:00pm

Tuesday              8:00am – 5:00pm

Wednesday        8:00am – 5:00pm

Thursday            8:00am – 5:00pm

Friday                 8:00am – 5:00pm

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