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Dr. Ronan

Meet Dr. Ronan, your trusted dentist with a warm and gentle approach. 

Dr. Ronan Roach

Born in India and raised in Perth, I studied at the University of Western Australia, graduating as a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). I am passionate about all aspects of general dentistry and always strive to provide comprehensive, personalised, and holistic dental care to all my patients.

What I love most about my job is.

I love the impact that dental treatment can make on people’s lives. It could be getting my patient out of pain, giving my patient the ability to eat better, or even just improving my patient’s self-esteem. It’s very rewarding to see these, and many such examples, throughout my practice.

The exact moment that I decided I wanted to become a dentist was…

To be honest, I had no idea what I wanted to be. I remember I was interested in working in healthcare and I also wanted to do something hands-on. I figured dentistry might be fun and it turned out to be much more than that. I find myself enjoying the profession more and more as I learn more and expand my scope.

If I wasn’t a dentist, I would be….

Probably a doctor or a nurse. Helping people brings me great satisfaction and I’ve wanted to work in the healthcare industry for as long as I can remember.

My favourite type of dental treatment is….

I enjoy restoring teeth that have been through a bit of wear and tear. Whether it be crowns, onlays or even simple fillings, I am fascinated by the technical side of restorative dentistry. On top of that, it is amazing to see the transformative effect these can have on my patient’s well-being,

My favourite thing to do in my spare time is….

I love a bit of fishing. I find it’s a great way to unwind and get in touch with nature.

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